After my first article, writing has become child's play for me. Even though I still go around to find the right words to combine.
This article is about me taking the next big step in my Tech archive. Every one of us can admit that we each have dreams and goals to set, and I too am proud to be one of such people. After weeks of hard work and studying, I received my first online certificate from Meta in Coursera. Indeed I am very happy, I got help from youtube and other platforms such as hash node articles. I use to develop projects from scratch previously but now, I can code better using libraries and frameworks like Bootstrap and React. In the past years, I saw life as an elevator; I just have to go to school, and boom I am a developer. But now I am taking steps instead. My next step is to help build projects and partake in more development courses.
I still would advise anyone starting their tech career to take steps rather than the elevator, even though it is more challenging, you will surely get to the top. Please suggest some things you think I can do to help and if you have any questions I am always open. See you soon